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Mental Health Support

At Enduring Care, we're dedicated to mental health support, focusing on conditions such as depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and more. These conditions can significantly affect daily life, relationships, and community engagement. The good news is, with counseling, support, and effective strategies,

the impact of mental illness can be minimized, leading to significant improvements in participants' lives.

Our specialized Psycho-Social Recovery Coaching and support services are designed to provide tailored assistance to individuals facing mental health challenges. With our experienced and compassionate team,

we offer personalized support that's geared towards empowering individuals on their journey to recovery.

If you have funding allocated in your NDIS Plan for these supports and strategies, we're here to assist you every step of the way. Let us be your partner in achieving greater mental well-being and a brighter future.

Why see a counsellor?

Mental Health Support and Care in Toowoomba

It's effective

Research shows that individuals who see a counsellor are 75-80% better off than those who are left untreated.

It feels liberating

A burden shared is a burden halved. There are just some things we feel we cannot share with our friends and family. In counselling, you can talk about anything and everything.

They can help unlock your innate capabilities

Counsellor's can empathically listen to your concerns, and be a source of support and guidance. They encourage reflection, and help you generate new perspectives and creative solutions.

It's like having your own personal coach

We’ve all experienced feeling stuck and troubled. Seeing a counsellor in a safe space can activate your courage, and help you stay committed to the promises you make to yourself.

"Too often we underestimate the power of a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."
- Leo Buscaglia, author

Mental Health Support and Care in Toowoomba
Mental Health Support and Care in Toowoomba

How does the NDIS work with people seeking mental health support?

When it comes to mental health and the NDIS, there can be a lot of confusion. And understandably so. Mental health covers a huge spectrum. Not all people with mental health issues would be considered to have a disability and therefore are not eligible for the scheme. Here, we take a look at how the NDIS supports people with mental health issues, and how you can use platforms like enduring CARE services.

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